Why spending time in the garden is great for your wellbeing.
Mud Mountain Blog

The rise of the staycation
For the last three years, travel has been disrupted, and with airline staff shortages affecting holidaymakers this year, understandably many people are deciding to keep their feet firmly in the UK for the time being.
Staying at home doesn’t have to mean being boring though, and with more and more people discovering a love and appreciation for the great outdoors after the last few years, it’s a great opportunity to spend some much-needed downtime enjoying your own space.
Mental health and wellbeing benefits
It’s widely documented that spending time in the garden has a hugely beneficial effect on our overall health and wellbeing, with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) spending a lot of time and money on ongoing scientific research.
The benefits of just spending time outside are huge, with the act of gardening also proven to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
The mental and physical benefits of gardening and spending time outdoors are so numerous, that they’re even recognised by the NHS, with gardening being a part of something called social prescribing. This allows GPs and other referral agencies to prescribe gardening, among other things, to help people improve their overall health by discovering the outdoors, growing plants, and getting involved in their communities.
With all that in mind, being able to spend more time enjoying your garden is no bad thing!

Use favourite holidays as an inspiration for garden design
Just because you may have taken the decision not to travel this year, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your well-earned down time. We’re not suggesting you rework your entire garden (unless you really want to!) but the act of planning out a new area inspired by your favourite holiday destination can have you reminiscing over your favourite travel memories, with the end result being a gorgeous space you can relax in.
Whether you want to create your own Italian-style garden, or replicate the romanticism of a beautiful countryside cottage garden, it’s a great time to really think about what you want to see for years to come.
One way of adding zoned areas to add a touch of influence from holidays past, is by investing in pieces which will really stand the test of time. Statues, sculptures, or terracotta pots are all really great ways of adding depth and personality to an outdoor space. It’s bound to raise a smile when your gaze falls upon a terracotta pot filled with gem-coloured flowers calling to mind memories of warm nights on an Italian terrace.
How can we help?
Would you like some advice on the best pots for certain plant types, or more information on something from one of our ranges that’s caught your eye? Please do get in touch.