Terracotta and Tulips

Terracotta pots are the perfect container for tulips, and creating a stunning, colourful display is relatively easy by following a few basic rules and top tips.
Using good peat-free compost and ensuring your terracotta pot can drain freely is essential. Before planting up, check and unblock any drainage holes and put the pot on risers/pot feet. Information on the importance and use of pot feet can be found on our Frost Protection and Planting Advice page.
We take our lead from the gardening expert Sarah Raven and her informative guide regarding the best way to plant tulip bulbs, and many of our customers have successfully used the Dutch way of layering in a 'bulb lasagna'. This popular method of planting tulips in terracotta containers produces a stunning dense and flowery display.
The photos feature our Trombo and Cassetta Alta planters, and if you're looking for a low pot to display in, worth considering is the Ciotola Sfera or Ciotola Grande. We have a terracotta pot to suit every garden style, from small clusters to a large, impressive stand-alone display, so browse through the website and please call if you need some advice.
Finally, of course, spring wouldn't be spring without a glorious display of tulips, and with so many varieties, colours, shapes and textures to choose from, it's an absolute pleasure to start planning and preparing for your own. Happy planting!

Posted by Lorrayne Scott-Collins on October 8th 2021