5 Gardening New Year's Resolutions for Every Gardener
Mud Mountain Blog

January is the perfect time to look at your garden and imagine its potential for the coming year. Whether you're thinking 'new year, new garden', or you've got smaller plans within a grand design, setting a gardening New Year's Resolution will be a lovely way to help kickstart 2023 and ignite gardening enthusiasm, despite the winter weather.
Start a new garden bed, or container garden
If you've always wanted to try your hand at gardening, the new year is a great time to start. Container gardens are perfect for whatever space you're working with, as you can start them on balconies, on patios, or an easy-to-manage display feature within a larger outdoor space. Terracotta pots and planters are beautifully attractive as well as versatile when it comes to planting. When planting in the ground might not be possible due to cold weather, we have this handy guide to potting up terracotta pots in the winter.

Experiment with new plant varieties
If you're an experienced gardener, consider branching out and trying some new varieties in your garden. It could be a fun way of introducing a different colour, a different scent, or adding some interest to a plain corner. Maybe you've already got a list of wishlist plants, but if you're in need of inspiration, looking up a local garden centre and taking a wander round what they have to offer may ignite a spark of new year inspiration!
Get organised
This is a popular New Years Resolution for gardeners and non-gardeners alike! When it comes to gardening it can feel like there's a seemingly neverending list of tasks to carry out, but you can make this feel much more manageable by making a list of tasks you need to do throughout the year, and then breaking them down into monthly or even weekly tasks. It might also mean making a list of the plants you have in your garden and their care instructions, so you can see at a glance exactly what needs to be done and when. This will also highlight things like when to buy bigger pots in anticipation of repotting plants that have outgrown theirs.
Aim to learn something new
There's a lot of trial and error when it comes to gardening, and it's a lifelong process of learning. If there's something specific you've been thinking of having a go at in the garden, the new year is a great time to look for classes and workshops to help you delve into new techniques and ideas. If you've had a project in mind for a while, the new year is a great time to start gathering inspiration and planning. Whether you're looking to create your own Meditteranean-inspired patio, or an English country cottage-style flowerbeds, if you start now you'll have the fun of learning, as well as the knowledge that you'll be able to enjoy the space as the weather warms up.
Spend more time outside
We've written before about why gardening is great for our wellbeing and mental health, so if your New Year's Resolution is to appreciate more of what the great outdoors has to offer, planning a garden project or two might help you with that. As well as helping you to get outside, gardening can be a great way to connect with other people who share similar interests, so it might be fun to join a local gardening club or volunteer at a community garden. You'll have the opportunity to learn and share tips, as well as spending more outside. A winning combination all round!
How can we help?
It's no secret, we love terracotta pots and the warmth they bring to outdoor spaces. If you're looking to add history, vibrancy, and aesthetically beautiful features to your garden, we're here to help. If you're wondering which pot might be best for certain types of planting, please do get in touch and we'll be more than happy to help you choose.